Rideshare Rodeo Podcast
A weekly podcast focusing on the gig-economy news, interviews, insights, stories from the road, and much more! Covering everything ’Rideshare’ and ’Delivery’ via on-demand apps (Uber, Lyft, Doordash, Grubhub, Instacart, UberEats, and all other gig worker platforms). From gig app workers to company CEO’s, everyone passes through the Rideshare Rodeo podcast. Find us on all social media platforms & daily gig-economy news via RideshareRodeo.com. Podcast drops weekly on Tuesday & Friday. Tuesday is the original Ridehsare Rodeo podcast. Friday podcast is the weekly gig discussion with a great panel. Subscribe to Rideshare Rodeo podcast on Spotify, Apple, Google, or anywhere you listen to podcasts!
Friday Sep 22, 2023
Friday Sep 22, 2023
This week on [R3] Rideshare (& Delivery) Rodeo Roundtable, we discuss:
People moving cars in parking lots they do NOT own, tiktok prank
Uber Eats vs. Instacart for grocery space dominance
Engineering whistleblower explains why safe Full Self-Driving can't ever happen
Self driving vehicles are controlled by a central processor that controls the LiDAR, Radar, Mapping, Communication
Uber will see 40% price hikes under EU Gig Worker Law
Prop22 fees are paid by customers but where is the money going
Massachusetts h.1099 vs. "App based driver classification act"
Support Rideshare Rodeo Patreon Page:https://patreon.com/ridesharerodeo
Thursday Sep 21, 2023
#272 | Earning more in the app-based gig economy
Thursday Sep 21, 2023
Thursday Sep 21, 2023
LAST MILE (episode 22)
This week we discuss:
Para Pass
Gas prices
Curri offers
Curri profile
Earning more in the gig economy
Support Rideshare Rodeo Patreon Page:https://patreon.com/ridesharerodeo
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
#271 | ”The App Based Driver Classification Act” or Massachusetts h.1099
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
Today on The Rideshare Rodeo Podcast (episode 271), I am joined by Sergio (The Rideshare Guy) & David (Para). We discuss:
Curri Driver app
Massachusetts "App based driver classification act"
Massachusetts h.1099
Where to go from here
.:: Massachusetts h.1099 ::.https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD2071
.:: Gig App Worker Law and Regulation Proposal (official) ::. https://www.mass.gov/doc/23-30-a-law-defining-and-regulating-the-relationship-between-network-companies-and-app-based-drivers-for-certain-purposes-of-the-general-laws-version-g/download
.:: Proposal Summary ::.https://www.mass.gov/doc/final-summary-petition-23-32/download
Support Rideshare Rodeo Patreon Page:https://patreon.com/ridesharerodeo
Tuesday Sep 19, 2023
#270 | Gig worker legislation: California, Washington, and soon Massachusetts
Tuesday Sep 19, 2023
Tuesday Sep 19, 2023
This week on The Rideshare Rodeo Podcast (episode 270), I am joined by Sergio (The Rideshare Guy) & David (Para). We discuss:
California Prop22, now and then, in depth breakdown
Washington State's Rideshare Driver Legislation
Mess in Massachusetts, what are they thinking
"The app based driver classification act"
States about to push legislation: Illinois, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, & New Hampshire
.:: Gig App Worker Law and Regulation Proposal (official document) ::. https://www.mass.gov/doc/23-30-a-law-defining-and-regulating-the-relationship-between-network-companies-and-app-based-drivers-for-certain-purposes-of-the-general-laws-version-g/download
.:: Proposal Summary ::. https://www.mass.gov/doc/final-summary-petition-23-32/download
Support Rideshare Rodeo Patreon Page:https://patreon.com/ridesharerodeo
Friday Sep 15, 2023
#269 | Dangers of DoorDash and Lyft’s new female driver option [R3]
Friday Sep 15, 2023
Friday Sep 15, 2023
This week on [R3] Rideshare (& Delivery) Rodeo Roundtable, we discuss:
Uber's CEO (Dara K.) said this about Uber "The company sucks, and treats its drivers like crap"
Instacart pushing the envelope with their inflated $9.8billion pre-IPO valuation
New Lyft option: Female and non-binary drivers for female and non-binary passengers
Doordash delivery driver spit on customers food after being upset at tip amount
TikToker steals UberEats drivers vehicle for a prank
Uber Teen: the most disturbing move Uber has ever made (drivers make sure to opt-out)
.:: check out our guest panelist UDM ::.https://www.youtube.com/@UDMDELIVERS
Support Rideshare Rodeo Patreon Page:https://patreon.com/ridesharerodeo
Thursday Sep 14, 2023
#268 | Curri last mile courier delivery app, the long haul’s
Thursday Sep 14, 2023
Thursday Sep 14, 2023
THE LAST MILE. Every Wednesday 3pm est/12pm pst. Come learn about all the last mile apps out there, and how you can earn more money than working the traditional apps. This is an open forum show so everyone is welcome to join. We will be talking about Curri, Frayt, Amazon Flex, Roadie, Veho, and MANY other apps that fall into the 'last mile services' space.
*This week on episode 21*
.:: check out Gig Geezer on YouTube ::. https://www.youtube.com/@giggeezer
To learn even more about Curri, join the Rideshare Rodeo Patreon page: https://patreon.com/ridesharerodeo
Drive for Curri: https://drivecurri.app.link/fom2uFMcCib
#gigeconomy #gigworker #gigapps #delivery #lastmileservices #curri #curridriverapp #contech #2023 #veho #frayt #dropoff #Dispatch #Dumpling #walmartspark #bungii #amazonflex
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
#267 | Rideshare 2023: Current State of Uber & Lyft (w/Rideshare Professor)
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
This episode of The Rideshare Rodeo (episode 267). I am happy to be joined by Torsten (Rideshare Professor) & David (CEO Para). We dive into the current state 'rideshare' in the United States. Topics include:
Uber and Lyft driver pay
Rideshare driver safety
Uber Teen (David's perspective)
What can the Para app do for rideshare drivers (current & future)
Lyft's new CEO David Risher
Uber CEO's comment "The company sucks and treats drivers like crap" (in reference to Uber)
Uber Teen (Torsten's perspective)
Should new drivers enter the rideshare space
.:: Torsten (Rideshare Professor on YouTube ::.https://www.youtube.com/@AskTorsten
Support Rideshare Rodeo Patreon Page:https://patreon.com/ridesharerodeo
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
#266 | Success, Balance, Focus (w/Pedro ’DoorDash’ Santiago)
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
This week on the Rideshare Rodeo Podcast (episode 266), I am joined by Pedro 'DoorDash' Santiago. Pedro hosts one of the most watched channels on YouTube regarding Doordash and other delivery app-based platforms. Join us as we discuss:
Balancing Life (work and personal)
Staying Focused
Multiple Income Streams
Gig Workers and Service Industry workers
Are gig app workers, Independent Contractors, in the classical sense
DoorDash Dasher timeline (the platform now vs. years ago)
The first three 'GigCon events' and looking forward
.:: check out Pedro Doordash Santiago on youtube ::.https://www.youtube.com/@Mr.Betonyou
.:: also for the intrigued, check out Pedro & Hannibal on youtube ::.https://www.youtube.com/@pedroandhannibal
Support Rideshare Rodeo Patreon Page:https://patreon.com/ridesharerodeo
Friday Sep 08, 2023
#265 | Realistic earnings in app based gig economy [R3]
Friday Sep 08, 2023
Friday Sep 08, 2023
This week on R3: Rideshare (& Delivery) Rodeo Roundtable, we discuss:
Instacart IPO
New workers entering the gig and what to expect
Food delivery platforms
Violent attacks on Doordash, Grubhub, Uber Eats drivers
Support Rideshare Rodeo Patreon Page:https://patreon.com/ridesharerodeo
Friday Sep 08, 2023
#264 | The right to remain Independent Contractors in the U.S.
Friday Sep 08, 2023
Friday Sep 08, 2023
This episode of The Rideshare Rodeo (episode 264), I am joined by an amazing panel. Kim Kavin, Mike Hruby, & Karen Anderson. The four of us discuss Independent Contractor status in the U.S., now and moving forward.
Kim Kavin: https://fightforfreelancers.com/
Mike Hruby: https://www.newjobsamerica.com/
Karen Anderson: https://www.facebook.com/groups/FreelancersAgainstAB5
Support Rideshare Rodeo Patreon Page:https://patreon.com/ridesharerodeo

Rideshare Rodeo Podcast
Welcome to the Rideshare Rodeo Podcast!
.:: check out ::.