Rideshare Rodeo Podcast
A weekly podcast focusing on the gig-economy news, interviews, insights, stories from the road, and much more! Covering everything ’Rideshare’ and ’Delivery’ via on-demand apps (Uber, Lyft, Doordash, Grubhub, Instacart, UberEats, and all other gig worker platforms). From gig app workers to company CEO’s, everyone passes through the Rideshare Rodeo podcast. Find us on all social media platforms & daily gig-economy news via RideshareRodeo.com. Podcast drops weekly on Tuesday & Friday. Tuesday is the original Ridehsare Rodeo podcast. Friday podcast is the weekly gig discussion with a great panel. Subscribe to Rideshare Rodeo podcast on Spotify, Apple, Google, or anywhere you listen to podcasts!
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
#96 | MOVES: Your Gig Business (CEO Matt Spoke)
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
In this episode of Rideshare Rodeo, I am very excited to have Matt Spoke, CEO/Founder of MOVES. Want to learn everything about MOVES?
We cover it all in this video:
A product exclusively for gig workers
The gig economy isn’t working for its workers. The established companies in this industry have built their businesses primarily thinking about their consumers. As a result, they often overlook their workers. Moves is the product that will prioritize the needs of gig workers.
A collective voice for millions
Since launching, we’ve talked to thousands of gig workers across the country. We’ve heard you talk about flexibility and your pursuit of independence in the gig economy. We’ve also heard what isn’t working.
A gig economy owned by its workers
Our mission starts by serving gig workers and standing for your collective interests, but we won’t stop until we’ve fundamentally changed the math in your favor.
The gig economy will continue to grow and generate enormous value in an increasingly modern world. We believe that value belongs to you.
Over the coming months, we’ll be sharing more about how we’re unlocking that ownership by using innovative technologies that put gig workers in the driver’s seat.
Referenced Articles in this podcast:
1) https://uberlyftdrivers.com/2021/12/07/uber-pushes-back-returns-to-office/
2) https://uberlyftdrivers.com/2021/12/05/uber-to-pay-9m-in-sex-assault-report-settlement/
3) https://uberlyftdrivers.com/2021/12/03/ubers-audio-recording-safety-feature-is-coming-to-the-us/
Check out the blog series to get some hints about where we’re heading: https://medium.com/movesfinancial/part-1-of-7-why-moves-exists-34ed009d7ceb
Check out MOVES: https://movesfinancial.com
Drive for Curri: https://drivecurri.app.link/fom2uFMcCib
Sign up for PARA: https://withpara.com/
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
#95 | Balancing Gig Work & Life (Delivering With Ellen)
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Today I have Ellen Jones, DeliveringWithEllen, on the show. Ellen is a on-demand delivery driver who lives in Henderson, Nevada. In our interview we discuss many different topics, of course including her experiences on the delivery apps, but we also get into the life behind the scenes of Independent Contractors. Ellen has worked all 4 of the major delivery platforms: starting with Postmates, then DoorDash, then UberEats, and just recently GrubHub.
Here are some of the topics we discuss:
1) Ellen's entry into the delivery space.
2) Being a teacher during the pandemic.
3) Balancing family, work, and fitting in Gig work.
4) Driver safety.
5) Key-wording videos to NOT be "click bait".
6) Ellens way of approaching accepting orders, then asking viewers their thoughts on the orders she took.
7) Ride Along Videos.
8) Is Live Streaming in her future?
9) UberEats new EXTREME NO transparency method, what it is & why they did this.
10) Delivery slowing down in many markets.
11) Be on all the platforms you can.
12) Independent Contractor status a must.
13) Knowing your PERSONAL VALUE!
14) Back to teaching, but still a weekend warrior on Delivery platforms.
15) Right now is a time you can land jobs you have only thought of before. & more.... join us for the conversation!
Ellen's Links YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXlxayE4pxKNeM-UHTJli9g
Instagram: https://instagram.com/deliveringwithellen
Make sure to sign up to be a Curri Driver below: https://drivecurri.app.link/fom2uFMcCib
Sign up for PARA:
Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
#94 | Rideshare Drivers Follow The Money (w/Sergio Avedian)
Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
This week on the podcast I have Sergio Avedian. Sergio is a 6+ year veteran Rideshare Driver in Los Angeles. Sergio is also the lead Rideshare contributor at The Rideshare Guy. In this interview we dive into many aspects of Rideshare, as you would expect from two veteran Rideshare Drivers. Including, why now is a great time for Rideshare in many markets and set your earnings goals high when it comes to valuing your time properly. Join us for an interesting look into two Rideshare Drivers minds... and how we view the 'Rideshare Space' at this time.
Some topics we covered:
Sergio met Harry (The Rideshare Guy).
How gig companies play the media.
Like myself, Sergio is a driver advocate.
Onboarding to Uber 6 years ago.
Current rideshare driver rate cards.
Driving SMART!!
Current STATE of California Prop22 benefits(?).
Driver Strategies.
Uber does 15 million rides a day globally.
My Lyft “driver coach”, Ha!
Setting earnings goals.
1.35 million DoorDashers in this country.
Crazy Rideshare Algorithmic Dispatch System.
$50+/hour on average hustling in L.A.
NOW is the time to make money in rideshare.
Did the pandemic save Uber?
Flex time is a must to make money.
PUA ending did NOT bring back drivers.
Rideshare giants playing a dangerous game in unknown territory.
A window of ‘Potential Profitability’.
Airport staging lot scandals.
Don’t ever expect the rideshare companies to help you, only YOU help YOU!
Check out Sergio's articles: https://therideshareguy.com/author/savedian/
Rideshare Rodeo is sponsored by Curri.com & WithPara.com: Drive for Curri: https://drivecurri.app.link/fom2uFMcCib
Sign up for PARA: https://withpara.com/
Tuesday Nov 23, 2021
#93 | 90 Days On The Curri Platform (Matt Lafferty)
Tuesday Nov 23, 2021
Tuesday Nov 23, 2021
Uber Lyft Drivers and Gig Economy Workers Weekly News & Interviews: Today I have Matt Lafferty, CEO/Founder of Curri, on the podcast and I grade the company on the last 90 days working the platform, talking with Drivers, Earnings, Transparency, speaking with higher ups at Curri, The Driver Roundtable, and more. Join me in my follow up interview with Matt to hear the full breakdown.
Ready... Set... Rodeo!!!!!
Rideshare Rodeo is sponsored by Curri.com
Drive for Curri: https://drivecurri.app.link/fom2uFMcCib
Sign up for PARA: https://withpara.com/
Saturday Nov 20, 2021
#92 | AB5 Destroyed this NON-profit Opera House
Saturday Nov 20, 2021
Saturday Nov 20, 2021
Uber Lyft Drivers and Gig Economy Workers Weekly News & Interviews: Today I have Gail Gordon on the podcast. Gail owns and operates a non-profit Opera Company in Los Angeles. I had Gail on the podcast in October 2020 and we discussed what had happened. Today, a year later, I have her back for an update on the effects of California AB5 on her NON-profit business. Unreal the damage this law has done!*SEE DETAILS ON EXACTLY HOW THIS EFFECTS GAIL BELOW*
Ready... Set... Rodeo!!!!!
Rideshare Rodeo is sponsored by Curri.com
Drive for Curri: https://drivecurri.app.link/fom2uFMcCib
Sign up for PARA: https://withpara.com/
ABC test – B prong is impossible to justify for musicians.
(A) The person is free from the control and direction of the hiring entity in connection with the performance of the work, both under the contract for the performance of the work and in fact.
(B) The person performs work that is outside the usual course of the hiring entity’s business.
(C) The person is customarily engaged in an independently established trade, occupation, or business of the same nature as that involved in the work performed
Section 2775 and the holding in Dynamex do not apply to the relationship between a referral agency and a service provider, as defined below, under the following conditions:
(A) A person who utilizes a referral agency to contract for services from a service provider ex: Opera company using a “Contractor” to hires an orchestra for performances.
(a)Section 2775 and the holding in Dynamex do not apply to the relationship between two individuals wherein each individual is acting as a sole proprietor or separate business entity formed as a partnership, limited liability company, limited liability partnership, or corporation performing work pursuant to a contract for purposes of providing services at the location of a single-engagement event, as defined below, under the following conditions:
(1) Neither individual is subject to control and direction by the other, in connection with the performance of the work, both under the contract for the performance of the work and in fact.
(2) Each individual has the ability to negotiate their rate of pay with the other individual.
(3) The written contract between both individuals specifies the total payment for services provided by both individuals at the single-engagement event, and the specific rate paid to each individual.
(b) “Single-engagement event” means a stand-alone non-recurring event in a single location, or a series of events in the same location no more than once a week.
(A) The musical group is performing as a symphony orchestra, the musical group is performing at a theme park or amusement park, or a musician is performing in a musical theater production.
(F) “Single-engagement live performance event” means a stand-alone musical performance in a single venue location, or a series of performances in the same venue location no more than once a week. This does not include performances that are part of a tour or series of live performances at various locations.
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
#91 | Dumpling Shopping Platform Roundtable Discussion
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Uber Lyft Drivers and Gig Economy Workers Weekly News & Interviews: Today I have three Dumpling Platform business owners, from three different states, on the show to discuss the difference between Dumpling and other Gig work. What it takes to actually be your own business and go the extra mile. The advantages and perks that come from a platform like Dumpling compared to on-demand shopping platforms like Instacart. How they came to switching from Instacart like platforms to owning their own businesses. Plus many other topics we discuss, join me and my panelists to learn about a different gig platform. DUMPLIING!
Ready... Set... Rodeo!!!!!
Tonights Dumpling Shopper Panelists:
Shopping By The Shore (Atlantic City NJ)
Suze Q Shops For You (Redland CA)
Q Delivery Solutions (Tampa FL)
Rideshare Rodeo is sponsored by Curri.com
Drive for Curri: https://drivecurri.app.link/fom2uFMcCib
Website: https://www.curri.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/curri
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/teamcurri/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/18756359
Drive For Curri: https://drivecurri.app.link/fom2uFMcCib
Do NOT forget to check out our live radio show Fridays 4pm PST/7pm EST:TNCRadio.live (featuring Jason Tieri and mE)
Thursday Nov 11, 2021
#90 | Independent Contractors: The #FightForFreelancers (Kim Kavin)
Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Uber Lyft Drivers and Gig Economy Workers Weekly News & Interviews: Today I have Kim Kavin on the show to discuss the very real threat facing Independent Contractors, and their fight to choose the way they work, live, and earn. Kim has been a key player in keeping workers freedoms and ways they earn up to them, NOT our government. She also runs the website #FightForFreelancers With multiple states trying to end the choice to be an Independent Contractor, and even the Federal Government trying to take this right away from the entire country. Kim has been extremely vocal in stopping junk bills and legislation from ending the Independent Contractor as we know it.
So, settle in and relax, as we discuss what is going on all over the country regarding Union takeovers and what we can do to stop it.
These type laws would effect 59 Million workers in the United States, that is over 30% of the workforce. Join us on this episode as we dive into 'what is going on?'
Ready... Set... Rodeo!!!!!
Rideshare Rodeo is sponsored by Curri.com
Drive for Curri: https://drivecurri.app.link/fom2uFMcCib
Kim Kavin links below:Website: https://fightforfreelancersusa.com
Facebook group Fight For Freelancers USA: https://facebook.com/groups/2754328577981607…
Fight For Freelancers USA on Twitter:https://twitter.com/Freelancers_USA
Twitter: @thekimkavin
Curri Links:
Website: https://www.curri.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/curri
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/teamcurri/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/18756359
Drive For Curri: https://drivecurri.app.link/fom2uFMcCib
Do NOT forget to check out our live radio show Fridays 4pm PST/7pm EST:TNCRadio.live (featuring Jason Tieri and mE)
Make sure to listen in our sister companyhttps://www.gigeconomy-podcast.com
Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
#89 | App Based Food Delivery In London (GigGuyGrant)
Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
Uber Lyft Drivers and Gig Economy Workers Weekly News & Interviews: Today I have Grant McDonnell, GigGuyGrant, from London. Grant started driving rideshare for Uber in London in 2017, then like everyone Pandemic-Pivoted to Delivery April 2020. He has since continued to work only UberEats, Just Eat, and Deliveroo since. He also has a YouTube channel where he does "ride along" delivery videos, only he uses a moped to navigate the streets of London. Throughout the podcast we compare notes from here at home, to over there in London. Here are some of the topics covered:
London YouTube Creator.
London Rideshare TFL regulations.
Switched from Rideshare to UberEats, Just Eat, & Deliveroo when the pandemic hit.
Just Eat who merged with Takeaway.
Grant’s “ride-alongs” are done from a moped recording on a GoPro8.
Grant started driving Uber London in 2017.
London, UK compared to USA market comparison (I was shocked to hear Grant say that London does not have a “tipping culture”).
London App Stewart is another delivery service there, but not as reliable as the other platforms in that space.
Position on ‘Unions’.
Grant’s encounter meeting Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi.
London’s new “worker” classification.
Airport re-matching EASTER EGG for drivers here in the United States.
London rideshare driver sign up takes 6-8 months, much tougher regulations from TFL in London, a better system for on-boarding?
Rideshare Insurance, London TFL requires you carry Commercial.
Congestion and Location charges paid primarily by drivers?!
London’s push for going all Electric Vehicle’s & their problem with many people not being able to park at their homes.
GoPro videos showing us “Grant’s London” are awesome!
Here we put peoples food on the ground and take a picture, over there you hand peoples food to them.
Drivers over there must be wearing their TFL badge or risk ticketing, another idea for here(?).
Uber, Ola, Bolt, FreeNow, London rideshare companies.
Middleton Technologies Apps: Maxymo, DUH, FlexAlert.
Grant mentioned a company called… PARA? Awesome!!!
London Taxes on ALL non-electric vehicles.
Driving: Addison Lee London.
“Union Brainwashing” –Grant McDonnell.
Grant’s final thoughts on Uber.
Find Gig Guy Grant (Grant McDonnell):YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/GigGuyGrantInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/gigguygrant/Twitter: https://twitter.com/gigguygrantFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/GigGuyGrant
Ready... Set... Rodeo!!!!!
Rideshare Rodeo is sponsored by Curri.com Drive for Curri: https://drivecurri.app.link/fom2uFMcCib
Curri Links:
Website: https://www.curri.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/curri
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/teamcurri/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/18756359
Drive For Curri: https://drivecurri.app.link/fom2uFMcCib
Don't forget to catch Jason Tieri and I weekly on Fridays: TNCRadio.live (4pm-6pm PST/7pm-9pm EST)
Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
#88 | Curri Driver Roundtable: Why Curri Is The Best Gig App!
Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
Uber Lyft Drivers and Gig Economy Workers Weekly News & Interviews: Today I have 4 Curri Drivers on to discuss the platform and what drivers can expect when working on the app. Thanks to my Roundtable panel: Markiss (Seattle), Ed (New Jersey), Mac (Portland), and Millard (Connecticut).
Some of the topics we discussed:
Being A Curri Route Driver: Great Pay & Not Your vehicle.
From Full Pick-Up Trucks-To-Trailers To Any Size Vehicle.
All Gig Economy Workers Should Be Using Curri Platform & Why.
Even Though Market To Market Pay Differs All Markets Pay Great.
Tips From Curri Drivers For New Workers To The Platform.
Curri Support: Fast, Efficient, & Located In The U.S.
Mapping Some Deliveries With Apple Maps.
Curri Is The Best Paying App For Gig Workers Time.
The 30 Second Wait Time & Understanding It.
Making The Most Out Of Curri Hot Shot Runs.
$300 order! $1,200 order!!!
Hot Shot, Long Shot, Long Haul and understanding them.
Pick-up, Drop-off, hands free on handling payload.
Unanimous From Tonight’s Panel: You can NOT get paid more on any other Gig platform than you will on Curri.
Ready... Set... Rodeo!!!!!
Rideshare Rodeo is sponsored by Curri.com Drive for Curri: https://drivecurri.app.link/fom2uFMcCib
Curri Links:
Website: https://www.curri.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/curri
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/teamcurri/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/18756359
Drive For Curri: https://drivecurri.app.link/fom2uFMcCib
Don't forget to catch Jason Tieri and I weekly on Fridays: TNCRadio.live (4pm-6pm PST/7pm-9pm EST)
Friday Oct 29, 2021
#87 | Talking Uber Eats With Mike Delivers
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Uber Lyft Drivers and Gig Economy Workers Weekly News & Interviews: Today I have Mike Baselgleea of "Mike Delivers Podcast" talking about the New Jersey Uber Eats market. Mike has put out over 200 podcasts in the last two years, both food delivery space and his NBA podcast as well. Some of the topics we covered:
Uber Eats.
Mikes Podcasts: Mike Delivers and his sports podcast.
McDonalds, Chipotle, & Jersey Mikes.
Being a gig worker in Bloomfield, NJ.
City of LA teams up with Waymo and puts driverless cars in a small area, already sounds like trouble.
Start-up Gig-space app companies, are they here to stay?
Mike talks about how he could consult restaurants in his area after what he has seen in two years of delivery (actually a good startup idea... maybe?).
We have all these November earnings challenges going around here in the U.S. New Zealand also does but there's has a $2,000 bonus attached.
Ready... Set... Rodeo!!!!!
Rideshare Rodeo is sponsored by Curri.com Drive for Curri: https://drivecurri.app.link/fom2uFMcCib
Mike Delivers Podcast:
podcast: https://pod.co/mike-delivers
Curri Links:
Website: https://www.curri.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/curri
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/teamcurri/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/18756359
Drive For Curri: https://drivecurri.app.link/fom2uFMcCib
Don't forget to catch Jason Tieri and I weekly on Fridays: TNCRadio.live (4pm-6pm PST/7pm-9pm EST)
Rideshare Rodeo Podcast
Welcome to the Rideshare Rodeo Podcast!
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